Friday, March 16, 2012

LONG update

SO SORRY it's been so long!

We have lots of pictures and videos on Shawn new iphone. I just need to figure out how to get them off of there and onto here!

We are thoroughly enjoying the spring time weather here. I personally enjoy the cold but Mae loves to play outside. She is forest explorer! Whenever we set her down she runs right into the front yard or the woods in the back. She gathers acorns and rocks in her hands and absolutely flips her lid if you try to take them out by force. If you ask nicely sometimes she'll empty the vast contents of her hands in your hands.  Luckily she has only picked up a worm once and she dropped it on her own so I didn't have to pry it from her hand because I pretty sure I would have died if I had to do that!

She is 3 days from being 14 months old. She can say mama, dada, puppy, baby, bubble ("buh- buh), hi, NO (this is her new favorite! and she knows exactly what it means!), ball and that's all I can think of right now. Well she did say doo doo but that's not much to brag about. haha

She still loves cheese and yogurt. Chicken is also a new favorite. She likes raisins, bananas, and popsicles a lot too. She's getting pickier so I'm always thinking of new things to feed her. We discovered that her former hate for applesauce is now gone which is awesome because it's so cheap and good for you.  Mae drinks a lot of milk and water all day in her straw sippy cups.

Mae still naps twice a day. Usually from 9:15-11 and 2:15-4pm. I'm so happy she's such a good napper. She just grabs her paci and lays on her blanket and falls asleep. It's so sweet. She sleeps from 8pm-7:30. She was getting up at 7 but time change was awesome because she put on that extra half hour.

Mae loves books! All days she will bring books to me so that I'll read them while she sits in my lap. It's so sweet because she really relaxes and cuddles while I read. Usually that last about 7 seconds because she quickly flips each page of the book and then is ready for a new one. My mom just bought her a chair ( pictured below) and all day Mae has gone to sit in the chair to read the books by herself. It's just "her size"! Mae also loves Sesame Street and the Backyardigans.... a little too much. I used to always have TV on in the background to add some noise in our day but now she totally focuses on it and I have to shut it off. I'm fine with a little bit but I just don't want her to be addicted or anything.

She stills loves being chased and being spooked. It's a good thing too, because Shawn and I love chasing her and scaring her! haha

She doesn't have Gigi Rene's gift in organization, at least not yet. Often when I'm folding laundry she comes running by to completely destroy the pile of clothes I have made and then runs off with a few pieces of clothing.

We are very excited to go to Michigan for Easter. Hopefully the weather will be beautiful and Mae will be able run around the whole town.

We put an offer on a house today. It's got an insanely awesome kitchen and a workshop and a pool. We're praying it's the house for us but if not then it's OK. I've already been daydreaming about all the pool parties we'll have this summer at that house. : )

I hope that has caught you up a little bit. Below are some pics of our fun day yesterday!

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker


Megan Erin Allen said...

I can't even decide which is my favorite....
Probably the last one. She looks so precious and fun.

Candace said...

She is getting so big! I love love love her new chair! Nothing better than a pink chair.

Candace said...

Oh yeah, Have Shawn download the blogger app and then you can just post pictures to your blog instantly :)