Tuesday, July 17, 2012

There's actually a baby in there!!

Yesterday I had my first ultrasound. I hated waiting so long for it. It doesn't feel 100% real until you see the baby, at least for me. The doctor had me at 11 weeks exactly yesterday with a due date of February 4th. My ticker thing below is set for February 3rd which I'm going to keep it at because I think they have the wrong day. The baby was measuring at 12 weeks but the dr didn't want to change my due date. This is fine with me because I don't think I could deal with a January due date since Mae's birthday is the 19th and our anniversary is the 31st. Due dates don't matter anyway. The baby is gonna come when it's gonna come.... unless I get induced again haha. Alright enough of that boring nonsense, here is a picture of our little one. You should be able to see a perfect little profile there and a hand and a leg at the bottom. It's just so hard to believe that the baby just bounces around in there for the next 6 months. It's weird that I can't feel all the movement. It looked like the baby was doing somersaults in there which must come from Shawn's side because I can't do somersaults to save my life! : )
My ultrasound was part of a NT scan to see if the baby is at risk for birth defects. I didn't do this with Mae and I didn't really want to do it with this baby but it wasn't really an option at my dr's office. I guess it's mandatory for everyone there. I had a doctor do the scan and she wasn't very nice. I feel like they should be telling you what they're looking for and measuring but she was quiet almost the whole time. I tried to make small talk but she just wasn't having it. I don't love this practice that I'm going to yet but hopefully I feel better about it as time goes on. I had to ask her at the end if everything looked good. They should tell you that right away!!! haha Anyways she said things looked good. I have a cyst on my left ovary just like last time. I wasn't shocked about that though since I've had funny pains there. She said it wasn't anything to worry about.  Shawn and my mom came so it was nice to have them see the baby. 
Here is my first belly pic. 

I was totally expecting to have gained several pounds when I went to the dr's office yesterday because I'm taking "eating for two" to heart and I've been SO bloated. I was surprised to see I weighed less than a month ago and with a full bladder. I started this pregnancy 10lbs less than my last one but I seriously think a lot of that was muscle loss. I haven't really worked out in like 2 years. Wow, that sounds nuts. Anyways I'm enjoying this pregnancy and feel very relaxed about everything which is nice. I'm not in any huge hurry for the baby to come but I'm excited to have another baby to love. Please pray for a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby. 

What's your gender guess? I can honestly 100% say that I have no feeling one way or the other. Probably because I have no strong desire one way or the other. 

 BabyFruit Ticker  Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker


Anonymous said...

this is so great! You don't even look pregnant!
Is there anything different you would do this time around? Just curious, what tricks you learned or how you and shawn want to approach some things differently. I feel like the baby has been such an education for me! I wonder how it will be with a second one........
We got sebastian a bike seat today, he looks awesome and he loves it. Check it out i'll send you a pic....

Candace said...

YEY! You look great! :)