Monday, August 27, 2012

17 weeks

2 weeks from today we find out if we're having a boy or girl! So excited!

Good news! My morning sickness or maybe should I call it the occasional pukes seems to be dissipating. I'm very happy about that. I do feel like I just jinxed myself though.

I have been feeling the little one kick since 8/21 which was last Tuesday. I feel this baby so much sooner than I did with Mae. This is probably my absolute favorite part of pregnancy. I remember missing feeling her kick right after she was born. It's just so miraculous! I'm excited for those big sweeping movements that I could just watch forever. Remind me how much I love it when in 10 weeks I'll be waking up at 3am for a in-womb kung fu class the baby will appear to be doing.

Mae likes to run up and slap my stomach really hard (which results in a "No, Mae, be nice!") so I'm not sure she's a big fan of the baby yet.

No other big news. I feel great and the baby seems to be doing great. I'm excited to have a newborn to hold this winter. (although even if I wasn't having a baby I'd have about 4 other newborns to hold since a lot of our friends are pregnant and due within 2 or 3 months of each other )

Here is me yesterday at 17 weeks. I'm LOVING these cool mornings. They seriously put me in an amazing mood instantly. This picture was taken right before going to starbucks and getting a caramel apple cider!! YUM
Mae wanted in on the photo action

 BabyFruit Ticker  Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

1 comment:

Candace said...

You look beautiful and so fall-ish with that orange shirt! I'm so ready for cooler weather - every time they say it's going to be cooler here it ends up being in the upper 80s to 90s. :p But I guess I'll be wishing for warmth here soon!

That is awesome you can feel the baby so early! I'm enjoying watching my belly jiggle around all the time these days. He is so active!