Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Surprise Ultrasound!

So here is the update
-My morning sickness seems to be MIA. I'm not complaining. It was never really bad but I'm happy it's gone.... for now. God is so good because otherwise my first week as a potter at Silver Dollar City would have been even more of a nightmare.

-Started my new job as a potter. I have just been making mugs/cylinders. So hard!! They make it look so easy but it's not. I've had the past 2 days off so that's been a nice break. I think that this job is going to make my pregnancy go by very quickly.

-I miss my family and everyone is Charlotte soooo much! Pray that God moves us closer, at least closer than 16 freakin hours!

-Doctor appointment today! I just thought we would just sit and chat with her for a few minutes but boy was I wrong. Right when she came in she used the doppler device to try and hear the heartbeat which she said it was probably too early to hear.... it was. Then we went on a scavenger hunt to get the ultrasound machine which was as old as me. She squirt that stuff on my belly and in about 10 seconds found our little baby and it's little beating heart. Shawn and the Doc saw the heartbeat (Shawn was dumbfounded! haha) but I couldn't really see it. I'm not bummed because this was totally a shock. My actual ultrasound, with the really nice equipment, isn't until next Tuesday so I was ready to have to wait. I'm just so happy that it's there!!!

Looks like there is going to be a baby in January! I'm so happy.

PS. Praise the Lord that there is just one happy little baby in there!

 BabyFruit Ticker BabyFetus Ticker

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