Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Mae-bee Baby update

Beautiful Miss Mae Elizabeth is approximately 20 weeks old.

Here are some new developments

-She giggled at Shawn yesterday. It was so sweet and contagious! Shawn and I laughed really hard and scared Mae. haha
-She learned a new sound. It was amazing to watch her try and figure it out. She started saying "bah bah" and it looked like she had marbles in her mouth as she was practicing. She babbled all day yesterday and it is so sweet! I love watching her learn. (she's doing it in the video I posted below)
-She can grab her feet.
- She is always surprisingly good. Even when she hasn't napped well and we take her to small group she does amazing. She is such a people person so it's not too shocking I guess.
-Mae smiles at everyone who takes the time to smile and talk to her. She has made many friends.
-As you know from previous posts, she loves to eat. Since we got the Dr's go-ahead we are going to introduce some veggies soon.
-She is eating every 3-4 hrs and naps 3 times a day and will take a small cat nap before bed.
-She wears size 2 diapers and 3-6 clothes. I bought some 6 month onesies which are a bit big.
-Mae is very outdoorsy. If she's fussing then going outside is always the cure. Unfortunately it's so hot that I just bear the fussiness sometimes.

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker


Megan Erin Allen said...

Haha I'm sure it gets old but it makes me laugh when she shrieks for no reason and then stops when she finds the camera. She's beautiful even when she's crying lol

Britt Watt said...

No, it's still pretty hilarious!! She's like "Mom! I didn't know you were filming me!!"