Tuesday, May 1, 2012

15 months!

Mae was conceived almost exactly 2 years ago. I can't believe she's been in existence that long!

We are officially moved into our new house and we love it.

"The Great Organizer" at work
 Under construction
 Shawn and I have done a lot of yard work and Mae has eaten a lot of dirt while "helping" outside. She has been super cranky and whiny since we moved but I think she's just having a hard time adjusting. Every day she is usually a little better.
 Her response to me saying "No, you  can't eat dirt!"

She's got 9 teeth. (I think) Her back upper molars came in last week resulting in a fever and a pitiful day spent on the couch. I love these pictures.
She fell asleep being rocked and she never does that anymore.

Now onto some stats

20.8 pounds ---15%
31 inches--- 63%
47 cm noggin--- 78%

So she's a skinny, tall , big headed toddler. That's my girl!

She can say mama, dada, deedee (supposed to be gigi), poppy, puppy, ball, hat, jojo, baby, nose, NO, please,  ice, up (bup), bath and that's all I can think of right now.

If you ask where her nose or ears are she will point to them.

Whenever she hears itsy bitsy spider she puts her fingers together and does the spider part.

She just started coming up to our knees and saying tikka tikka and tries to tickle us.

She's started to dance a little more. She still LOVES to be chased.

She can do the signs for more and eat.

She is SO picky. Her favorite foods are yogurt, cheese, bananas, peanut butter, eggs, cheetos (don't judge me!) and any other kind of fruit. Oh and chocolate!!

We are so blessed to have such a healthy, fun daughter. We always pray that she will learn to love Jesus and   that she will want to be just like Him as she gets older.

I think that's all for now.

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

1 comment:

Megan Erin Allen said...

hahaha! love the picture of her crying after eating dirt