Monday, August 2, 2010

Potty time

This babe is making sleep so hard! I literally empty my bladder right before bed and feel like there can't be anything left in it. Still though, TWICE during the night I wake up super uncomfortable because I have to pee so bad. Last night I stubbed my toe on a heavy book ( it made it worse because I know it was my fault it was there) and I knocked over a glass cup from the worlds most unstable nightstand. Also I sleep on my belly so much and I can feel like bump to much that I don't think I should sleep on it any more.

Oh well, I'm happy that it's a little baby making me so uncomfortable.

So you know how people will talk to a pregnant womans belly. Well Shawn pretends my foot is a phone. He makes it ring then picks it up and has a "Long distance" call with the baby. I'm not really a fan because I can't hear the imaginary conversation and i think usually they're talking about me. I think it's Shawn way of getting me back for saying that the baby and I aren't talking to him right now and I cup my belly and mumble about "daddy".

My momma and papa come in 2 weeks from today. Yippee!!!!! I only wish they were bringing everyone with them. I was dreaming about jake last night and I miss him so much!
 BabyFruit Ticker

1 comment:

Megan Erin Allen said...

I love your secret conversations with the baby!!!!!!!!!!
I want to talk to it.
Sspspsp Whisper Whisper. Jojo. spsppsp