Wednesday, September 12, 2012

It's a........


My ultrasound was Monday. I really tried not to think about it at all because I didn't want to get antsy.  I picked Meg and Matt up at the airport after lunch and then we came back to my house to wait for my appointment. My dad and Matt watched Mae. (i hear she got some cookies) Anyways, all four of us (my mom, meg, shawn and I) show up and take up half the waiting room. Shawn was really thinking girl and I was hoping for a boy. The ultrasound tech didn't talk much during the scan except to tell me to stop sitting up. (she wouldn't move the screen so I could see it!!!!!) Well, after a few minutes I saw her type in bladder and I knew we were getting close to the money shot. Shawn and I looked at each other and I shook my head meaning "she's not there yet". Well I start to see some legs and know right away it's a girl. My heart was beating so fast. Then the tech moved the image a little and I saw clear as day. "It's a boy, right?" I said, with a huge smile on my face. She confirmed that and then the scan was over and she left. My mom immediately pulled out a little newborn boy outfit. She said she just had a strong feeling. We were in shock. I felt for sure I could only have girls. haha I suppose that's what everyone thinks. We're getting used to the idea more every day. I told Shawn this morning that his son isn't really a morning person and we both said that sounds so weird to say "your son". We're thankful that God is in control of our family and our lives and that he decided to bless us with a healthy little Henry Reed Watt. 

Here is proof! See the arrows exposing my poor son? He'll totally hate us for this one day but I showed Mae's pic so it's only fair. It's quite vulgar, sorry. 
 This is a 3D pic. You can see his hands kind of rubbing his face and it looks like he's got some big 'ol lips.
 Profile picture. You should be able to see a few white dots around his forehead. Those are his fingers.
 19weeks 3 days
Henry is a very active baby. At this point with Mae I'm not even sure I felt much movement at all. Henry kicks ALL the time. These are the kind of kicks I felt with Mae at like 25 weeks. We'll see how things go from here. I hope he doesn't hurt me too much with his kicks as he gets bigger!

Pregnancy is going well. Sleeping is not. It's just uncomfortable to have to pee all the time. Hey, only 20 more weeks right? Hopefully I can curb my appetite for sprite and potato chips so I don't end up gaining 70lbs! I'm up about 9 lbs but 7 of those were in the last 4 weeks. haha He's just growing a lot, right? RIGHT? No I'm not really too worried. I know I'll gain what I gain but I should start eating a little healthier.

 BabyFruit Ticker  Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker


Candace said...


I'm so excited for you! Henry Reed - that is a lovely name :)

I knew right away that Jackson was a boy - there was no denying it.

You look beautiful as always and yes he is growing growing growing!

Corey T. said...

awwww sooo excited for you Brittany! Boys are the sweetest! God bless you guys! Can't wait to hear more updates!!!!

Megan Erin Allen said...

Sweet Henry