Sunday, September 9, 2012

Watt Trip Part One- Charlotte Nature Museum

Shawn's parents and sister came in town last week and we had a wonderful time. The day after they got in we went to the Charlotte Nature Museum. It was uptown but luckily just south enough of the city that we didn't hit any convention traffic. The museum was so cool.

There was a whole bug area which Mae loved/hated!
 The little boy is looking in a cage of cockroaches. Mae's not sure about it.
 Ahhh! The giant fly man!
 Fly baby freaked out a little during this.
 They had a butterfly garden that was really neat.  Mae was a little scared of them but enjoyed watching them fly around. Luckily one didn't land on me because they freak me out a little.
 "I'm watching you, butterfly!"
 KK (grandma) looking at snakes with Mae. I could not even walk by the cages. I hate snacks sooo much.

 Mae and the stuffed beaver
 The museum also had an outside part. There was a trail and a play area.
 Working with grandpa
 "it's too heavy!"

 I can't wait to go back again when Mae is a little older. I'm happy we got to experience it with Shawn's family

 BabyFruit Ticker  Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker


Megan Erin Allen said...

so great!! Wish I could of been there. You missed a very important opportunity ti instill fear of snakes into her.
see you in the morning!!

Candace said...

That looks like so much fun... except for the snakes. They are the devils creature!