Sunday, May 23, 2010

Baby Sweet Pea

Baby Watt is 6 weeks old today and the size of a little sweet pea. Awwww! And hopefully that little tiny heart is beating super strong for the ultrasound tomorrow. I hate to say it but I've had my first couple days of mild morning sickness. Ironically, mine has been in the morning for the most part. I have a box of cheerios by the bed and if I eat before I get out of bed it's better. Although working 10 1/2 hours outside on my feet didn't help much. God is super good though because my day went by so quickly which it rarely does. It is so clear to me how much God orchestrated this whole thing. We just got insurance, (we realized just my first doctor visit would have been $600 and it was free!) I got the pottery job the day I found out I was pregnant which means indoors all the time, sitting often, and a pay raise. We feel so incredibly blessed right now. God is just good.

Anyways, on a different note, we got a new bedspread which is pictured below. I wanted a different one but Shawn said it was to girly so this one was a compromise. I love it though. We got it for 30% off at target and I almost bought it full price. Silly me. Above the bed is one of the pictures we had hanging up at our wedding. Heather took it and I think it just looks lovely.

I think that's all that is new currently. I shall update you tomorrow to let you know how the doctor goes!! Keep on prayin!

 BabyFruit Ticker BabyFetus Ticker

1 comment:

Heather Kirk said...

What a nice lookin' picture! Miss you both!