Tuesday, August 9, 2011

6 1/2 months old!

I love this picture of Aunt Megan and Mae!

She loves that crinkly paper at the Dr's office. She was such a good happy girl. It helped that she didn't have to get any shots that day!

Daddy and Mae before church. They got to go just the two of them cause I was sick. Shawn dressed her and everything. Shawn is a great dad and I would have been lost this week without him while dealing with chicken pox.

My back covered in pox. YUCK!

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker


Megan Erin Allen said...

that pic of her at the doctors is so cute. I can just imagine her joy at the crinkle paper. I bet she tried to eat it

Britt Watt said...

She may have tried to eat it..... ok, she did

Unknown said...

She is super happy at the Dr's! You should get some paper for home....Seinfeld has a bit about just needing a pickle placed next to him on that crinkly paper and he's like a sub sandwich.....:)
Hope your pox go away FAST!