Monday, August 1, 2011

Chicken Pox

No, Mae does not have chicken pox (THANK GOD!) but I certainly do. I am officially revolting. I have blisters everywhere even in my mouth and ears. I hate it SO much. It has taken 4 days to figure out what I have but we went to the Dr today and received the bad news. I am contagious until they all scab over which is probably 2 weeks. I cannot hold my baby or feed her which breaks my heart so much. I cannot hold my new nephew Ben who was born yesterday and will not be able to meet him for quite awhile. I had them as a child but I guess I didn't build an immunity. Why didn't they come up with the vaccination sooner!?

Please pray that I heal quickly and that the Lord protects Mae from getting it. It's not good for babies that young.

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker


Seek First said...

Oh no--too bad that you have chicken pox, but glad you daughter doesn't!

I have a fun rosette headband in a giveaway right now that I think you would love. Come enter to win at

Candace said...

What! That is crazy!!! I hope you get better soon - Mae is going to miss her momma! I love you cousin - praying for you!

Laura Hiebert said...

So sorry! I'll be praying for you. :-(