Thursday, January 19, 2012

365 Days Ago

How is my sweet girl already one year old? 
Honestly I cannot believe it. It feels like I've hardly come to terms that I have a baby yet. 
I'm so thankful that she is healthy and so sweet. (except for right now when I can here her crying cause she doesn't want to nap! haha)

Mae is really growing up.....
-She can feed herself with a spoon. (well if we put food on a spoon then she'll grab it and most of the time it'll all end up in her mouth)
-She sleeps about 11 1/2 hours through the night. She goes to sleep at 8 and wakes up at 7:30 usually.
-Her favorite thing to say is "da da da da" but also throw in the occasional "mama" and "hi"
-Her favorite person changes often. Some days it's me, sometimes grandpa but we can usually always count on Aunt Megan to make her happy!
-Her favorite food group is DAIRY! She loves yogurt (specifically yotoddler strawberry banana), cheddar cheese, cottage cheese, string cheese, and she really enjoys drinking whole milk.
-She is just about done with bottles. We're not ready to let go of the bedtime bottle and probably won't for a little while. Today she only drank a sippy cup which she wasn't thrilled about.
-Mae only drinks out of straw sippy cup. I tried the normal ones but she hates them. Oh well.
-She loves being chased. It is seriously her favorite game ever.
-Next week she is going to be getting her 12 month shots. Poor baby... oh I mean, poor toddler.
-I bet she weighs about 20 pounds.

I know I say this every month but it just keeps getting better. We are so in love with her. We are so thankful God has given us such a happy healthy little girl.

Here are some videos from this morning when she was opening presents. Enjoy

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker


Megan Erin Allen said...

she loves that little dog :)

Candace said...

She is so amazingly adorable! My heart melts with every picture and video you post! I need to make a trip up there to visit you all - you are always welcome to visit down here as well! :) Love you!