Monday, January 9, 2012

Goofy Goofy Girl

I never thought that every month would get better but it has. When she was a newborn I loved it because she was so sleepy and cuddly but now she means to be cuddly and it's so much sweeter. If I pat my shoulder she'll lay her head down, not for long but it is adorable. Tonight she was just rolling all around the room. She wouldn't stop at all she would just roll roll roll. She has made me laugh so much today and I just love love love being her mom. Parenthood is so great.

This is one of my paper hat creations when experimenting with designs for the preschoolers at church. We ended up going with something much simpler but this cowboy has was hilarious!

 Laughing at Grandma in her paper hat.
 We put 3 big blankets on top of her and she was so content....
 For a few seconds, at least
 The quality of this picture sucks but she looks SO cute!

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

1 comment:

Megan Erin Allen said...

Hmmm so cute. I can't wait to see her on friday