Monday, October 1, 2012

22 Weeks

I'm more than halfway there. Hopefully Henry waits to make his appearance until at least February 1st. Heck, his due date would be perfect. You hear that, baby? : )

I'm really enjoying my pregnancy again. I'm starting to feel more than kicks. As I was laying down reading this morning I felt much more movement, like he was dancing. I know he wasn't actually dancing because he is a product of Shawn and I and I'm afraid his sister doesn't have much rhythm either. My belly is getting large and I wish I could stay this comfortable for the rest of the pregnancy. I know it's going to get worse and that stinks. Speaking of uncomfortable, Saturday I was putting Mae on the couch and something apparently exploded in my back and I fell to the ground and it took me several minutes of shifting positions to get to my hands and knees. Poor Shawn couldn't do anything to help. I think I need a LifeAlert lanyard ("Help, I've fallen and I can't get up!") It was funny in between the excruciating pain. Mae came to me and rubbed my head which was very sweet. My back feels better now. I'm really hoping that doesn't happen again, especially not in, like, the grocery store. I would die of embarrassment.

I've already started with Braxton Hicks contractions I think. I really wish they would've waited much much longer. I learned to fear them last time and I know it's nothing to worry about but I just want a relaxed belly and a fully cooked baby.

Mae was reading a pop up book on the couch today and there was a page with a baby on it and she said "baby" and kissed it. I thought, "how sweet, she is going to be such a good sister" About 1 hour later, Mae grabbed her baby doll and walked down the hall. I followed her because I thought she was going to put it in Henry's swing in his room. She went into the bathroom instead and I stopped her right before she threw the baby head first into the toilet. So.... I'm getting some mixed messages.

Here are so pics. (oh yah, I got a haircut!)

 So happy.....
 before church (uh oh, mae is biting her nails in both pictures!)

Below are some extra pictures that are just too cute not to share. Mae loves daddy's tiny truck. : ))

 I put acorns in her hat and she had to sit in the street to get them out. She love acorns just like her momma.... and squirrels.

 BabyFruit Ticker  Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker


Unknown said...

You look fabulous! :) Love the hair cut! I totally colored my hair pink this weekend... accident of course! Thank God it's fixed - if I was 15 and in a punk rock band that would have been cool.

I haven't felt a single Braxton Hicks - which I wish I would because I want to be prepared!

Mae will be a wonderful big sister! If she doesn't strangle Henry she is better than I was! :)

Candace said...

that was me! :)

Megan Erin Allen said...

Those pics are sooo cute. I'm going to have to print them.
I love how she patted your head when you weren't feeling well.
I love love love love love your hair.
Miss you
see you soon