Thursday, September 1, 2011

Best Buddies

90% of the time Jake is all boy. He loves to slip 'n slide and catch frogs and LOVES baseball (love is not an exaggeration in the least :) ). Then when a baby comes around he turns into the most gentle playmate. He came over the other day and kept asking when Mae was going to wake up. Once I brought her outside I didn't have to do anything else cause Jake just loved entertaining her. She was a little skeptical like she is with most kids but after a few minutes she was all about it and remembered who he was. He loves to hold her and talk to her and most of the time she loves him too. (at least when she doesn't have her cranky pants on!) Mae and Ben are lucky to have such a good big brother/cousin around
Jake was pulling her all around the drive way and she was having a blast.
How cute is Ben?! Oh my gosh, he feels like holding a little ball of feathers compared to Mae.
She was laying on him looking all cute for about .25 seconds which is how long she can sit still these days sadly.

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

1 comment:

Megan Erin Allen said...

love all the updates!! Good job britt