Thursday, September 15, 2011

Sad Day

This post is in memory of Trouble Cat. She passed away this morning. I am heartbroken. She was the quirkiest/meanest/sweetest/funniest/sauciest cat I'd ever met. She got sick a few days ago and we thought maybe she had a tummy ache. Yesterday I didn't really see her much but I figured she was just out hunting and beating up the other cats as usual. This morning she was so sad and so much sicker. She could barely walk but she fought so hard to make it into the kitchen so she could be home with her family. I tried everything I could to make her comfortable but before we could even get her to the vet she was gone. It was the worst thing I've ever seen. It feels like a dream. Everything in the house reminds me of her. She was just always in the middle of all the action. I can't believe I'll never see her scratch at the door anymore or see her cry so we would turn the faucet on so she can drink the freshest water. Here are some classic trouble photos She loved boxes!!
She also loved sitting on things that were important and then scratching your face off when you tried to grab it.
She was named Trouble for a reason. She tormented the other cats so much. This picture is of her shadowing Crook so he knew who was in charge at every second. I'm sure the 4 outside cats are chanting "The wicked witch is dead" but she had her incredibly sweet moments.
Trouble, if any cat would get into heaven it wouldn't be you but we loved you anyway. Thank you for reminding us to protect our jugular at all times, and for loving us even though we swore we hated you when you made us bleed. Thanks for hours of fun watching you play with your stuffed animals. You will be missed sorely. I love you  Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker


Megan Erin Allen said...

Britt that is really beautiful. And really honest because 80% of the time she was would scratch your face off.

Unknown said...

'Thank you for teaching us to protect our jugular all the time...' HAHAHAHA...this made me laugh so hard!!
She will be dearly missed! Remember how she'd sit on the VCR to stay warm? Oh, that darn cat!

Britt Watt said...

She was a silly cat.... and awfully mean.

You need to most more!!