Thursday, September 22, 2011

8 Months Old

How is Mae 8 months old!!?? Look how tiny she used to be!
Mae is quite the accomplished young baby
- She learned to crawl on August 26th and is now crawling EVERYWHERE. A week ago she didn't like crawling on the wood floor but I guess she grew kneecaps or her knees got tougher or something these last few days. haha
 -She is 100% a mommy's girl! If we go on a walk and she hears me talking then she wants me to pick her up. If anyone else walks with her then she doesn't care. She is starting to cry more and more when I leave the room. This is sweet and aggravating to me. : )
 -Mae no longer loves and smiles everybody. She is recognizing her "people" now. She can sense apprehension a lot a think
 -As you saw from Megan's post, she LOVES to swing!
 -Mae is pulling up to stand on everything too. She loves to stand by the coffee table and then fall and bang her head. (well I'm not sure she likes the last part) She now finds a pair of familiar legs and tries to stand between them. She follows us everywhere.
 -Mae started drinking out of a straw sippy cup and is doing pretty well. I'm very proud of her.
 -She does not like to share! She gets crazy arms when you try and take something from her. This is from a couple of weeks ago
 -She is starting to sleep better and still naps twice a day -Still HATES vegatables. Fruits are her friends. She loves puffs yet at least two thirds end up on the floor.  Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

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